Inner Ankle Pain Treatment

Milwaukee Foot Doctors Explain Inner Ankle Pain Causes and Treatment Options

The inner ankle (“medial ankle”) is a busy intersection of bones, ligaments, tendons and blood vessels.

Inner ankle pain could be temporary or evidence of a much more serious condition. The inner ankle is complex and very important. When it is damaged, you will typically feel foot pain and leg pain throughout.

Since there are many causes of inside ankle pain it’s important to see one of our foot doctors in Milwaukee or Brookfield for proper diagnosis and treatment options.

Inner Ankle Pain Causes

The most common causes of inner ankle pain include:

  • Ankle Sprains: Inside ankle pain after a sprain is common. Ankle sprain symptoms typically include ankle pain, instability and bruising. Soft tissue damage can also occur, which adds to ankle instability, redness and tenderness. Recent ankle sprains and ankle sprains that didn’t heal properly are often the result of inner ankle pain.
  • Broken Ankles: Inner ankle pain from a broken ankle is typical. The ankle may be red, swollen and/or bruised. Recent breaks or broken ankles that didn’t heal properly may cause inside ankle pain.
  • Ankle Stress Fractures: Ankle stress fractures from running are common. These types of ankle fractures are usually due to repetitive physical activity like running, jumping and sudden turning. Symptoms of an ankle stress fracture generally include soreness, swelling, instability, inner ankle pain and radiating foot pain. Recent stress fractures or fractures that didn’t heal fully or properly often cause inner ankle pain.
  • Posterior Tibial Tendonitis: The Posterior Tibial Tendon is on the inside of the ankle, just under the bone. It attaches the calf muscle to the bones. If you injure or overuse it, the tendon can become inflamed or weakened. You’ll experience swelling, inner ankle pain and pain all along the tendon.
  • Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome (Nerve Entrapment): The tarsal tunnel is the fibrous tissue holding the nerve and arteries in your shinbone. It runs along the inner leg and ends just behind the bump on the inside of the ankle. If the nerve is pinched, you’ll feel inner ankle pain which may radiate down to your toes or up the leg.
  • Osteoarthritis: Inner ankle pain from osteoarthritis can be minor to severe and is usually accompanied by redness, swelling and/or stiffness.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease which begins in the small joints of your extremities.

Inner Ankle Pain Treatment in Milwaukee and Brookfield, WI

If you have inner ankle pain make an appointment to visit our foot specialists in Brookfield or Milwaukee area. We’ll accurately and efficiently diagnose the source of your ankle pain, provide advanced treatment options and help you prevent or mitigate flare-ups.

Contact our Milwaukee foot specialists now to setup an appointment for accurate diagnosis and highly effective treatment.

Brookfield Office

Phone: (262) 781-0200

18200 W Capitol Drive Brookfield, WI 53045

Bayside Office

Phone: (414) 761-0981

320 W. Brown Deer Rd., Bayside, WI 53217

Franklin Office

Phone: (414) 761-0981

8153 S. 27th St., 400, Franklin, WI 53132

New Berlin Office

Phone: (262) 781-0200

15324 W. Beloit Rd., New Berlin, WI 53151

Germantown Office

Phone: (262) 781-0200

N112W15237 Mequon Rd., Germantown, WI 53022

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